Amazon’s Demographics tool is useful for gaining insight into your audience’s demographics. If you don’t have a website, this data is probably the only customer insight you will be getting. This tool provides you with a demographic overview of your audience which includes age, household income, education, gender, and marital status. If you’re familiar with Facebook’s Audience Insight tool, Amazon Demographics is very similar.

The Demographics report allows users to search for specific products with the ASIN search box at the top of the page. The ASIN search box supports searches for up to 500 ASINs at once. You can use either a space or comma to separate each ASIN. This means that if you want to see demographics for an entire line of products, you could add all of those ASINs to the report.
What you can do with the Demographics report
Understand your customers: Once you know who your customers are, you can tailor your campaigns to reach them. If you know all of your customers are new parents, for example, you could then tailor your lifestyle photography to match.
Personalize your Sponsored Brand ads: Knowing who your customers are should help you better personalize your ads, including videos, images, and headlines.
Prepare for the future: In the future, Amazon may introduce demographic targeting ads. Demographic targeting would allow Sellers to bid differently on different market segments. Google, Facebook, and Instagram already offer this feature, so it would not be surprising for Amazon to follow suit. Developing an understanding of your customer base, personas, and segmentation now would put you one step ahead if this does come about.
What you can’t do with the Demographics report
Get completely accurate demographic data: The overall demographics show the demographics of the purchaser’s account, not necessarily the customer. Multiple family purchasers on one account are not taken into account.
Amazon admits this information can be unreliable, and will report the error rate for each of the metrics. It can sometimes be as high as >20%. The Demographics report still provides valuable information — just keep its limitations in mind.
Rely on sales figures as cold, hard fact: There have been some reports of inaccuracies with reporting of total sales within the Demographics tool. You should view these numbers as approximations, not precise, indisputable facts.